Climate-Smart Farming & Marketing

Express Your Interest

led by:

Pasa Sustainable Agriculture is committed to helping farmers and producers develop more resilience against the impacts of climate change. Thank you for your interest in working with us!

Step 1: Fill out the interest survey.

This helps us gather some details about your farm, understand your interest in the program, and match you with a technical assistance provider.

(Time estimate: it takes about 15 minutes to complete.)

If you have any questions or need support in other languages, please contact us.

For English:
Para espaňol:


Complete the interest survey

Step 2: We’ll be in touch as we are able!

Please note that there has been tremendous interest in this program and it may take us some time to respond to you. Additionally, at this time, due to the federal funding freeze, we are unable to say with certainty what the future holds for this program.

As we are able, a Technical Assistance Provider will follow-up with you to discuss the implementation practices that meet your environmental stewardship, land management, and business goals.

Registration with FSA

To participate in this program you must establish farm records with the USDA – Farm Services Agency (FSA) and have farm, tract, and field numbers in place.

Not registered with FSA yet?

Find your local FSA office to get started. 

Participation requirements

To participate in the program you must:

  1. Establish Farm Records with the Farm Services Agency (FSA) (have farm, tract, and field numbers in place)
  2. Complete an AD-2047 (Customer Data Worksheet to facilitate the collection of customer data for Business Partner Record)
  3. Certify highly erodible land conservation (HEL) and Wetland Conservation (WC) compliance via Form AD-1026, Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification; and
  4. Provide self attestation that you are not receiving payment for the same practice in the same location
  5. Establish ownership, lease for the term of the grant or permission from the land owner
  6. Certify that you are not a foreign person or entity
  7. For most practices an Environmental Review will be required. See the list of practices for details.